Write code instead of a cover letter!

Click for API docs or debugger

Play a game

Wanna skip the first round interview?

Show us what you've got!

Play, code, submit your solution - then let us reach out with an offer!

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Win a job interview!

1) Play a game by writing code in your favorite IDE (click for API docs)
2) Reach a decent level and defeat the enemy by running your code against our endpoints
3) Submit your solution below
4) Sit back, relax and wait for our offer
- by writing code that plays instead of you, we'll know you're a great programmer. Show us what you've got and skip the first round interview!

Also giving away prizes for the best players before 30th of April. Worthy to register ; )

JBL Tune 760NC
JBL Charge Essential 2

Remaining time for the challenge:

47 days 7h 34m 29s

Did you solve it?

Submit your solution!

Create an API client that plays instead of you by writing code in your favorite IDE!

Reach a decent level in the game by running your code against our endpoints. After submitting your solution, we take a look at it and reach out to your with an offer
Click here for API docs!


Are you lost as well?

Let us lead YOU out of the labyrinth! Contact us at recruitment@icftech.hu and/or check out our job openings!

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